So I finished my two final pieces! I really liked how these turned out. My first final was the charcoal drawing. This one was just a pure recreation of the original painting. It accomplishes the goals, because it accurately represents the painting. After much trouble I got the proportions correct! Which for me is a miracle. When I first did this I kept Saint Bartholomew's face very light to make it the focal point, but I ended changing it and making it darker which added so much drama to the painting, and even though his face was darker, Bartholomeu was still the focus of this drawing. Also I made the two figures in the background fuzzy because I did not want to draw attension to them. I was super proud of this drawing, I can actually use charcoal affectivly. My second recreaton was done in another style, abstract. I took out some elements of my sketch because I wanted to keep it super simple. For the black background I added red to my second coat of paint so that it wasn't so flat. When I first painted all of the shapes they were flat, boring, and one-dimensial. So to add deph I shaded them. This was super easy to change the circles into spheres because they were already round. It was much more difficut to make the shapes with hard edges appear round so they would resemble the curve of an arm and so on. I, after many layers of paint, finally achieved this for all of the other shapes.

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