For our new assignment we have to take a painting and re-create it using charcoal. Then we have to do another charcoal drawing of the painting in an entirely different style. I chose to re-create "Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomeu" by Juespe de Ribera. The painting I am re-creating is down below. For me the hardest part of this assignment will be proportions. Firstly, the painting is square, but I am working off a rectangle piece of paper, so the re-creation is going have to be stretched. To help with this I divided the painting and my paper into 16ths. The painting also has two main figures, which will challenge me with their proportions. Also, they have hands. Hands are something I have been struggling with for a while. The painting is colored, but I will be working with the gray scale, so I will have to figure out what tones are the same and go from there.  

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