My first final is an interior two point perspective drawing. The goal for this assignment was to create a three dimensional space on a two dimensional plane. My drawing accomplished these goals by having every line be perfectly vertical or lining up with one of my two vanishing points. Also to make my drawing look realistic I used the pencil measuring technique to make sure that all of my objects were to scale. The hardest part of this drawing was to make a realistic looking garbage can that appeared off the wall. I had to draw and erase it many times before i was satisfied. Also there is a line on the wall almost directly on the horizon line, so when i drew it from wall to wall it looked out of place. My second final drawing is an exterior two point perspective drawing. I didn't like this one as much because the corner I was drawing was very boring. The hardest part was the paw paintings on each wall. I was able to draw this to scale by also using the pencil method. It was also difficult to draw the ceiling tiles to make them appear like they were getting smaller.

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