For my recreation in a different style I chose abstract because the original painting is so realistic. Also it turns out that this part of the project is not in charcoal as originally thought but in paints! But my sketches are not in color because I was just bouncing around ideas. In this painting I want it to be simple and still resemble the original painting. My first small sketch I don't like very much, it has too many componets and it is not very geometic. So I decided that instead of including all four figures I would only highlight the two main characters, Saint Barthlolmeu and the man with the knife. The second sketch wasn't was I was looking for either. In this one the figure that would be the man with the knife is too prominant and draws too much attention that shoud be towards the saint. The third is my favorite although I will be making changes to it. I decided to pick a few parts that were very prominant in the original to highlight in my painting. I chose the man with the kinfe's head and chest, and Saint Bartholomeu's head, arms, back, and beard. I will expand on this sketch by adding color and finilizing the different componets.  

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